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Tracking the sanity of a working-from-home professional/Mum through the covid-19 pandemic

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Friday 10 April - Lockdown Day Sixteen

It's Good Friday today, and I have the mother of all headaches. I spent half the day in bed waiting for my meds to kick in. I spent the...

Monday 6 April - Lockdown Day Twelve

Back to work today after that revitalising weekend off. (Cannot locate sarcasm font - you'll have to imagine it). We had a new team...

Sunday 5 April - Lockdown Day Eleven

Why am I so tired? All the time? I am, quite literally, doing almost nothing. I have achieved some advanced level of TV-watching, but...

Saturday 4 April - Lockdown Day Ten

Saturday today. Not sure what a weekend even is now. I mean, I don't have to go down to my office and be significantly less productive...

Friday 3 April - Lockdown Day Nine

So, I haven't posted in a while. Not because we have the covid, or because I've gone Jack Nicholson in The Shining on my family - just...

Thursday 2 April - Lockdown Day Eight

We've survived our first week in lockdown. But, man, only just. Today was another sub-optimal one in our house. They announced today that...

Wednesday 1 April - Lockdown Day Seven

So, let me start with a bit of a confession. I'm a fairly impulsive person and, when the 48 hour countdown to lockdown started, I thought...

Tuesday 31 March - Lockdown Day Six

Well, it had to happen. Eventually I was going to lose my shit and spend an entire blog post complaining and now, for your reading...

Sunday 29 March 2020 - Lockdown Day Four

My goal for lockdown day four was to spend the entire day in my jammies. Yep - I'm aiming high. But I was thwarted - by this persistent...

Friday 27 March 2020 - Lockdown Day Two

Husband went to the supermarket this morning, before 8am. He had to queue (2 metres away from the person in front of him) to get in and...

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