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Monday 30 March 2020 - Lockdown Day Five

New experience today - first team meeting over Facetime. After about 10 minutes of futzing about to get it to work, the meeting went well. It was good to re-connect with my team - I really miss being able to turn around and talk to someone at the next desk. I miss doing the quiz together each morning. Working on my lonesome is definitely not ideal for me.

Lovely day today, after a weekend of heavy rain and wind. Miss9 and I took the dog for a walk down to the beach and it was really energising to be by the water. Felt very privileged to live where we live.

After implying that today would be a Pinterest festival-level home-schooling and enrichment masterpiece, I'm going to have to confess that it wasn't. When I came on-shift in the early afternoon, the first thing we did was go for a walk. Did some bear-spotting, though it still makes me somewhat uncomfortable to stare openly at the front windows of strangers' houses. We didn't have any issues keeping our 2 metres from other walkers and joggers. The footpaths don't really allow for that kind of spacing, but I found that people crossed the road to avoid us (something I am totally used to!) or one or the other of us would veer out onto the deserted road to make the space. I suspect there will be a run of pedestrian v car traffic accidents once the lockdown is lifted - people are getting very casual about walking or running down the middle of the road.

Miss9 then requested a viewing of the BFG. It was screen time, but I comforted myself by recalling that that was the book her class studied last term. So... kind of educational. While we watched, I painted her fingernails "rainbow colours" and her toenails that long-neglected colour combination of coral and pastel blue. Ugh.

Then it was yoga time. On the recommendation of a friend who understands how over-weight, unfit and inflexible I am, I tried 'yoga with adrienne', on YouTube. She has a 'for beginners' sequence that's about 20 minutes long. I was dreadful. So grateful I couldn't see myself in any kind of reflective surface. But I guess I can only get better? That was enough for me, but Miss9 was up for more, so we went to 'Cosmic Kids', also on YouTube. They do a sort-of yoga and story-telling blended activity for kids to join in with. Miss9 chose the Moana story and, with the exception of the host's pretty grim pronunciation, she loved it. Was about 30 minutes or so in length. It's a bit painful to listen to as an adult, but worth a look if you're stuck with a kid at home.

Glimpsed TeenSon's face today when he got up from the computer to request some food. He must have been really hungry to move away from his normal practice of asking for sustenance from the safety of his chair. Turns out he's still a handsome buggar.

This is still just feeling like a really long, lazy, boring weekend, but with work in the mornings. I'm not sure what it says about me that I seem to need to see actual zombies walking down the street to seriously accept that there is a pandemic. I suppose it says I watch too many movies.

Meme of the day:

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