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Tuesday 24 March 2020 - schools closed, day 1

Miss9 was upset when I told her last night that schools were closing for four weeks - because she "didn't get to say goodbye" to her friends. Wait till she realises that Ms Mum and Mr Dad will be her teachers for the next month...

TeenSon is really ramping up his efforts on the 'Can I move my computer into my room?' campaign.

The good-ish news is that the Government is moving the school holidays forward. The kids "do" school for the rest of this week and then school hols start Monday. Totally do-able...

TeenSon "attended" school online today. Or, at least, that's what he said he did. For all I know, he spent the entire day chatting to his mates on Discord. Or something. Questions about what he is doing are... unwelcome. All day when we went into the dining/kitchen area (where his computer lives) we were shouted at: "Be quiet! I'm trying to work here!" That lends his story an air of authenticity.

Quote of the day from Husband:

H: I don't know why we don't do this more often.

Me: Self-isolate?

H: No, I mean - work from home, do more with the kids, focus less on money, look after each other...

I look forward to reminding him that he said that in a couple of weeks. Or a couple of days. It won't take long for the novelty to wear off.

Our working from home didn't work so well today. We didn't organise a schedule. I just went downstairs to my 'office' and left Husband to work from up here in the lounge. But I couldn't stop thinking about what a bad job he was probably doing - was he yelling at them to be quiet? Had he remembered to give them snacks? Was Miss9 just glued to a screen? I kept coming up here to check and, in the end, he got a lot more work done than I did. Tomorrow we split the day. I'll do the early shift (7.30am - 12.30pm) and he'll do the afternoon shift (12.30pm-5.30pm). When we're not working, we actively do stuff with, and supervise, the kids. And somehow, sometime, magically, we'll find a way to make up those work hours.

Meanwhile, my home-schooling kicks ass. Today Miss9 and I listened to Peter and the Wolf on Concert FM. That felt very home school. I have plants to put in the garden but we'll do that tomorrow. Don't want to be too awesome a home-schooler on my first day. Don't want to make the real teachers look bad.

Had a virtual physio appointment this morning. Took about 10 minutes to get the programme working. I do not consider it a success. The diagnosis was probably correct - tendonitis - but I am a notorious non-complier with the work physios set me to do at home. So the only benefit I get is when I attend physio and they do magic massages and stuff like that. Stuff that can't be done virtually.

Apparently supermarkets are crazy. Despite being told that supermarkets will remain open after lockdown tomorrow night, peeps be panicking. Must buy loo paper! I'm feeling quite superior actually. Look how calm I am - not even doing a bit of light shopping, despite knowing that the country goes into lockdown soon. I am so mature.

Meme of the day:

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