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Saturday 4 April - Lockdown Day Ten

Saturday today. Not sure what a weekend even is now. I mean, I don't have to go down to my office and be significantly less productive than I would be if I were at my actual work but otherwise - it's just another day, isn't it?

It was a glorious day today. I mean - glorious. Miss9 and I took a lovely long walk. The South Coast is really close to us so we walked up and down by the beach, then sat on a bench for ages and watched people walking past. Did see some people catching up with others who were clearly not part of their 'bubble' - and standing quite close together to do so. Also saw two people swim all the way out to the island. It's remarkable how many people think that the rules do not apply to them. I mean, I'm sure they'd say that they know the rules apply to all, and that they are included in 'all', but that also, what they are doing is fine. Makes me pretty grumpy, to be honest. Miss9 is desperate for a swim but I have told her no - because we are not supposed to be doing any activities with any element of risk. If something goes wrong, passers-by may feel obliged to assist - thereby breaking their bubble, and ours. Or we may have to call on emergency services to help - who are already under strain. So I tell her she can't swim, even near the edge, but then she sees two adults swim out to the island (and not particularly well either). I have to tell her that adults aren't always very good at following simple instructions.

I feel like I would do murder for some take aways or a meal out. I loathe cooking, so Husband does the vast majority of it in our house. I am very grateful. Well, I'm 'quite' grateful - that's more accurate. But I'm so sick of curry and spag bol.

Meme of the day:

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