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Wednesday 1 April - Lockdown Day Seven

So, let me start with a bit of a confession. I'm a fairly impulsive person and, when the 48 hour countdown to lockdown started, I thought - you know what we should do? We should foster some kittens. It would give the kids (well, Miss9 anyway) something to do, and it would be a delightful distraction for us all. Plus, we'd be helping.

Anyway, it turns out that 48 hours isn't long enough to sort out that kind of thing from scratch. Organisations want forms filled in, and they were all busy finding foster homes for their animals from their existing lists of fosterers. We've fostered for the SPCA before, but that was a while ago and they wanted new photos and updated information. In short, it didn't happen. Probably a good thing, as I hadn't run it past Husband. At all.

But today I got a call from someone at the SPCA, letting us know that they've processed all our information and checked our photos, and we are cleared for fostering. They sent through some Health and Safety info to read and we had to take a test afterwards to prove we'd read it (Miss9 was super worried we'd fail it, and then never be allowed to have kitties). The lady said that the process was different now, due to lockdown, and their practice is to do socially distant drop-offs of the animals to fosterers (previously you'd go to the SPCA to pick up your foster). So, now we just wait. But it might happen! And yes - I told Husband.

My tooth is sore. It's one at the back and it's actually had a root canal, so I have no idea what's going on there. My dentist looked at it, maybe 5-6 weeks ago. He couldn't see any infection on x-ray, but gave me antibiotics just in case. He says it is cracked and will have to come out eventually, but that we should leave it there as long as possible, as the corresponding tooth above needs it.

Dentistry is an essential service so I could, I imagine, get an appointment to go get this sorted out. But I haven't made one. The thought of getting in the car and going into town actually fills me with apprehension. I'd been sitting here complaining about how I can't go browse the Kmart shelves when I want to, or go and grab a Hell pizza - but it turns out that, given a good excuse to get out and about, I appear not to want to go. I'm a strange human.

In the mean time, ibuprofen will have to get me through.

Meme of the day:

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