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Friday 27 March 2020 - Lockdown Day Two

Husband went to the supermarket this morning, before 8am. He had to queue (2 metres away from the person in front of him) to get in and all in all it took about an hour and fifteen minutes. I suspect we will come to view that as a quick shopping trip.

Miss9 and I planted today. She chose polyanthus to plant out the front of our house because "it sounds like Pollyanna, and she is always happy and positive". I thought that was actually quite cute. However, the activity fast lost its novelty and I was on my own when it came to planting in the back garden. Put in 12 sweet peas and 14 vege seedlings by myself. Watered them generously and then, about an hour later, it started pissing with rain and essentially hasn't stopped. Overwatering plants is a thing, isn't it? I'd be pretty filthy if they all died.

Working from home went ok again. I got a piece of work off to my boss to review that has been hanging over me for a while. Very unpleasant subject matter, so it felt really good to hit 'send'.

Despite Miss9's desire to change schools, home-schooling also went reasonably well. We got some school work done and listened to a Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls podcast.

TeenSon claims to have done all the school work required of him this week. I choose to believe. I guess at some stage in the next two weeks we are going to have to work out some kind of system for being more involved in what he is doing, but I can put that off for the first week of school holidays at least.

Was disappointed to read a Facebook post from a friend who is a cop in Chch saying that a. lots of people were out and about with no good reason and b. they were rude and belligerent when questioned about that by Police. Pull your heads in folks - we ALL need to do this.

One good thing about this rain - it actually feels right to be inside.

Meme of the day:

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