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Saturday 28 March 2020 - Lockdown Day Three

Covid-19 cases are up again today and for the first time (that I've seen anyway) it has been reported that we have people in the ICU for treatment. Two of them. I hope they'll recover. Still no deaths in NZ, so it is quite shocking to read of people dying in their hundreds daily in Italy and Spain.

First day of school holidays, though it didn't feel like it. Still, we're getting used to that, aren't we? I've already largely lost track of days of the week and I've certainly lost track of dates. Thank goodness for smart phones and that feature where they have the day and date on the home screen. It's just a matter of time before I start asking my cell phone what my name is, so I should probably work out how to programme that in.

Normally we ship the kids off to my folks for a week of the school holidays but we clearly can't do that now. They are only just this side of the 'danger' age, and my Dad has underlying health issues. Plus, Miss9 seriously seems to touch her face around 60 times per minute and TeenSon bites his nails. They're essentially walking, talking, complaining balls of contagion.

I read an article today by some tool whose message appeared to be: "The Government has done it all wrong and Jacinda is also wrong and female and wrong and I would have done it right. Some people I know agree with me." I am sick to the tits of reading this kind of crap. It is so easy, after the fact, to say what should have been done and when, and to assert that you would have got it all 100% right. If sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, then hindsight is the lowest form of wisdom. Back to your cave, moron.

We spent all morning (and, just quietly, into the early afternoon) in our jammies today. I'd like to claim that this was a lockdown-induced first for us, but I'd be lying. If there's no weekend sport to drag us out of the house, we quite often push the boundaries of sleepwear.

TeenSon is currently playing his regular fortnightly Dungeons and Dragons game, but online. Chatting away to the same group of people. I think he's going to be just fine through this lockdown, I really do.

It rained all day today. Sideways in the morning, due to high winds, then straight down after that. It was enough to put me off checking on my plants. However, from the kitchen window they don't appear to have grown much overnight. I'm told (by people who garden more frequently than during every pandemic) that that is normal. With veges, it's all about the long game.

It's day three and my family are still only mildly annoying, so I'm going to call that a win for now - though I have to say that I hate the way Husband opens the door sometimes. Like he's expecting some kind of resistance on the other side, or as if he expects to walk in on me stealing the silver. For God's sake man, just open the door like a normal person! But yeah, we're all good here.

Meme of the day:

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