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Tuesday 7 April - Lockdown Day Thirteen

Are we halfway now? Nearly halfway? Apparently, NZ's covid-19 cases are down today. The big news (well, the big newsES): - the Health Minister was dumb and drove his family 20km to a beach for a walk, after level 4 lockdown was in place. Clearly cannot plead confusion about rules, so has well stuffed up. Offered resignation but Jacinda said "There is NO way you are leaving right now - we're too busy. Here, have this demotion. You're a dick. I'll deal with you later." (I have paraphrased slightly).

- UK PM Boris Johnson is in intensive care. I am an awful person because I actually did a little smile when I heard that. Which is not ok. Sure, he's a knob, and his initial plan to deal with covid-19 was idiotic, but he is still a person (or so we're told) and therefore I should be compassionate.

I do feel bad about something else. I haven't been checking on my friends. I mean, I've checked on some of them via text and FB messenger, but I haven't been very vigilant. And I should be calling people. But I hate hate HATE talking on the phone. It all stems from my days working in the phone mines as a student. (Phone mines = call centres). I used to love talking on the phone. I could natter away for hours. But phone mining killed that. And now I avoid phone calls at all costs. I'm one of those people who will write a three page text rather than make a 30 second phone call. But I should be sucking that up in order to look after my friends. Having sat with that guilt for several hours, I have still not made any phone calls. Such a bad person.

My tooth really hurts. Bad enough that I looked up my dentist's website. It has a message up saying that 'routine' treatment is suspended. My dentist is, however, available to give advice over the phone...? What the hell use is that? So I can perform some kind of Tom-Hanks-in-Castaway tooth extraction with an iceskate or a pair of pliers? The site invites me to call or email if I have a dental emergency though. I'm unsure how that is defined. But, I guess, if I can still eat and if I don't have to constantly take painkillers, it's probably not an emergency.

Meme of the day:

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