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Monday 6 April - Lockdown Day Twelve

Back to work today after that revitalising weekend off. (Cannot locate sarcasm font - you'll have to imagine it).

We had a new team member start last week. We really needed her. We're supposed to be a team of 6 but we've been a full-time staff member down since December. And another team member has been unwell on and off, so we've really only been four and a half, instead of six. It has been really busy and quite stressful, so is good to have her on board. But, of course, nothing is simple. My employer has reasonably strict security measures which mean it is very difficult to start working for us when you can't come into the office. So it could be some time yet before we notice the difference. We had a 'welcome to the team' Zoom meeting which was just weird and awkward. What kind of welcome meeting doesn't have tea and biscuits?

Miss9 and I are powering our way towards our goal to watch all the Marvel movies in chronological order. Never let it be said that I haven't achieved anything in lockdown. Or that I haven't inspired my children to greatness.

Meme of the day:

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