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Thursday 2 April - Lockdown Day Eight

We've survived our first week in lockdown. But, man, only just. Today was another sub-optimal one in our house.

They announced today that NZ has recorded its largest number of new cases in one day. We now have close to 800 cases. But no more people have died, and numbers in intensive care have not gone up. So, good news and bad, I guess.

TeenSon is really, really hard work. This ought to be a pretty cool time for him. It's school holidays. He doesn't like going outside or taking exercise - he likes playing on his computer with his mates. At the moment, he's essentially getting to do that all day (well, what's left of the day once he's eventually gotten out of bed), so you'd think he'd be happy. Well, I suppose he is happy when he's on the computer, but when he has to interact with us - not so much. Getting him to do his regular chores is a battle. Getting him to walk the dog is a battle. Getting him to do anything other than game on the computer is a battle. He wants to negotiate and to complain about everything. It appears that, if we could just leave him to do whatever he wants and provide him with regular food, that would be great. Everything else is annoying and he doesn't want a bar of it.

This has pretty much been a constant since we locked down, but it came to a bit of a head today. We got some next level cheek from him and we ended up having to kick him off the computer. That was not well received, as you can probably imagine. Lordy, what a scene.

I checked out the family Facebook messenger group this evening and my sister had posted: Scooter, creating LEGO video games, hairdressing, painting and origami. She had photos for all of these activities. In collage form.

You know what I posted? "Cheek, rudeness, laziness, more cheek, computer ban, yelling, door slamming, suspicious silence. Didn't photograph any of it."

Decided to take my mind off it all with a Netflix movie. Chose 'Platform'. That was a mistake.

Meme of the day:

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