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  • Writer's pictureEmma

Wednesday 8 April - Lockdown Day Fourteen

Well, what an exciting day!

Firstly - today I drove the car for the first time in, oh, about 14 days! Husband is nominated shopper, so I haven't been driving to supermarket. My essential reason for leaving the house? - giving plasma. It was actually quite hard to get an appointment. Obviously there are lots of healthy donors who are stuck at home and suddenly have all day, every day, available. The place was rammed. Every bed was full, and there were more staff there than donors. Seriously, they had to inch around each other it was so crowded. Good to see, I guess, as the need for plasma and blood doesn't go away just because we're in lockdown. They had a cleaning crew literally standing there waiting for people to finish and get up off their bed. The cleaners would swoop straight in and start sanitising the shit out of everything the person had touched. All the nurses were wearing face masks. I thought they might not offer the usual drink and biscuit service, but they did - but drinks were in takeaway cups and biscuits were all individually wrapped (not easy to negotiate when you only have one hand available to you). It was a nice excursion. There were more cars out and about than I had expected - lots of people more essential than me, I suppose.

Second - Miss9 did an epic spew tonight. We were watching Steel Magnolias (yeah, I know) and she said she had a sore tummy. A few more questions and I established it was a 'sicky' tummy and she 'might spew'. So I set her up with a towel underneath her, a towel over her, and a huge bowl in her lap. About 5 minutes later, she shuffled off the towel, went to get off the couch, and spewed - getting zero vomit in the bowl. It all landed on the carpet and the edge of the couch. The towels escaped too. *sigh* Got her to the bathroom, but it seemed to be one of those episodes where everything pretty much comes up in the first go. Husband was knee-deep in making a roast dinner and insisted he was too busy to come and assist so I got sole clean-up. Miss9 was all done after about ten minutes, but was sore and tearful. Insisted on calling her grandparents to tell them she'd been sick (we don't get sick very often, so it's a novelty). Discovered a really lovely programme on Netflix (she didn't want to go back to Steel Magnolias - wanted something "quiet and relaxing"). It's called "Moving Art" and it's just beautiful shots of nature (oceans, waterfalls, forests etc) with music backing and no narration. Very very calming. I can highly recommend it if anyone in your house is stressing out over this pandemic stuff. Anyway, no one else got sick and Miss9 was 100% again by the next morning. So, not sure what it was, but thankful for small mercies.

Meme of the day:

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