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Wednesday 25 March 2020 - last day before lockdown

NZ is still at Alert Level 3, but tonight - just before midnight - we move to Alert Level 4.

It all feels quite surreal, to be honest. We have a number of cases of covid-19 in NZ, but no one has died. Apart from queues at supermarkets, it all seems pretty normal out there. Considering the magnitude of what is about to happen (we're being asked to stay in our homes, with just our immediate family, for four weeks), it feels like there should be some visible indication that something is wrong. But there's nothing.

Did some gardening today. That was a home-school fail. Miss9 kept "hearing bugs" and running inside screaming. In the end, that tends to wear on the nerves, so I did the weeding on my own.

However, she got some school work done, and she started on her 'interior design' book (scrapbook with pictures cut out of House and Garden and similar magazines, then re-arranged into rooms and schemes of her choice). She has read four books in the last 2 days - I can cling to that in the absence of any other successes.

Working from home went much better today. I got a fair bit done in the morning and Husband did do some schoolwork with Miss9. TeenSon claims to have again attended virtual school. I have heard nothing to contradict that and intend to investigate no further. What a great parent I am.

Lots of memes floating around about how much weight we're going to put on while in lockdown (there's a good one below), but I think I'm going to lose weight. I was a super-snacker at work. I'd go to the supermarket when I got off the bus, grab a few things to get me through the week, eat them all in the morning, go out and buy lunch, grab a few things to get me through the week, and then eat them all before home time. Today I didn't eat between breakfast and lunch. Have I just found a positive to all this?

The emergency alert message thing went off on all our phones this evening. I don't mind telling you it scared the living shit out of me.

So, from tomorrow we're all to stay in our homes - except for essential things like going to the pharmacy or the supermarket. Even then, only one person per household should go. We're allowed to go and take a walk, but we have to stay two metres away from people outside our 'bubble'. I wonder if people are actually going to comply with this. I'm sure there will be people who won't, but how many? I don't think it has sunk in, for me at least, just how long this lockdown is really for and what it actually means. I wonder if I'll still be using full sentences and punctuation after a couple of weeks, or if I will go all feral and start writing this in teenage text-speak. We shall see.

Meme of the day:

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