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Saturday 11 April - Lockdown Day Seventeen

Today Husband and I have been married 16 years. Sixteen looooonnnng years. Just kidding. Haha... ha... Needless to say, after 17 days in lockdown, we are disinclined to celebrate by spending one on one time together. Now if we could get some kind of exemption to go out to dinner, and eat a meal that neither one of us had cooked... well, that would be a different story.

Major achievement for the day: Miss9 and I completed a Lego set. The Beauxbatons' Carriage set. When I say that Miss9 and I completed it - I should clarify. I am not allowed to build. Miss9 does not need my assistance with that. What I AM allowed to do is get the pieces ready that Miss9 will need for the next step of the build. Also, I am sometimes permitted to turn the pages of the instruction booklet. I don't wish to show off, but I am uncommonly good at both of these jobs.

We had a bit of a book crisis at bedtime tonight. Miss9 is partial to Jacqueline Wilson books. I love Jacqueline Wilson, but her work does deal with some themes that are very real and sometimes quite brutal - especially to a sheltered creature like Miss9. It took me a good half hour to settle her tonight after finding her in tears in bed. Apparently the mean Dad or step-Dad in the book had killed the pet rabbit of the main character. Bashed it over the head and left it for the child to find - I think that was the deal. I haven't read the story in question. Poor Miss9 was distraught. I offered to put the book in the freezer but, of course, Miss9 did not get that reference. We compromised and I hid it up on the top of her bookshelf, behind the classics that I've collected for her over the years and which, apparently, she'll "never read anyway". In the end, we could only get past this by focussing on the prospect of Easter eggs tomorrow morning.

Miss9 no longer believes in the Easter Bunny, Santa or the Tooth Fairy, but she still wants the rituals associated with each of them. So, Husband and I spent the half hour or so before we collapsed into bed hiding eggs around the lounge. Unfortunately, as we were tired and are idiots, we paid no attention to how many eggs we'd hidden. Ah well, I guess that will add to the excitement of it all tomorrow morning.

Meme of the day:

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