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Friday 3 April - Lockdown Day Nine

So, I haven't posted in a while. Not because we have the covid, or because I've gone Jack Nicholson in The Shining on my family - just because I'm pretty overwhelmed by can't-be-fuckedness. But I have been taking little notes in one of my 223 notebooks, so fear not - you can still fail to be entertained by the inanity of my locked-down life.

Today Husband suggested that we take a weekend 'field trip' to the garage, to look for (and I quote) "treasures". God help us. Our garage is one of the many shames of my life. A few years ago we decided our mortgage was too big and we put the house on the market. As part of the process of nicing up the house, we put a bunch of our crap in storage. The house didn't sell, and then we changed our minds about selling anyway, so we had to re-claim the stored items. My Mum pointed out that, if we had done without these things for six months, then surely we could do without them altogether? But we were not so disciplined. We just moved it all into the garage to deal with "later" (that, incidentally, is our favourite time to deal with things). It's pretty much all still there. In boxes, spilling out of boxes, generally taking up most of a double garage. So I'm sure you can understand how excited I am not about some of those things being designated "treasures" and brought into our already cluttered home. Am hoping he will forget about his plan, or decide that the garage is just too far away.

Had Friday drinks over Zoom with a lovely friend tonight. It was so nice. I put make up on and everything! I highly recommend it. Not the make up - the Zoom drinkies with friends.

Meme of the day:

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